Friday, September 23, 2011


Hello! My name is Haemi Jung and please just call me Hemmy
Pronunciation is almost same but most of American confused when they call my name at the very first time.  Anyway, I am from South Korea. It's been 3 years that I came from my country. I started with ESL program for learning English. Now I am Junior and I will graduate next year. My major is Visual Art with Jewelry/Metal. I want to be a Jewelry designer and gemologist. So after I graduate CWU, I will go to GIA in New York for studying gems. I do not know well about gemological things yet, but I think that it is really fascinating field for me. I am looking forward to this class! History part is not familiar with me, but I am going to try hard!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the class, Hemmy! It's very neat that you are interested in being a gemologist. That sounds very interesting! The ancient Greeks were very interested in using materials like gems and gold in their art. We will talk about it only briefly in this class, but it is something that you might want to study more on your own!

    I look forward to reading your posts this quarter!

    -Prof. Bowen
